The Client

Slim By Nature is an eCommerce business that offers natural weight loss products. Despite running Facebook Ads for some time, they weren't seeing the desired results. They approached us with the challenge of improving their Facebook Ads performance and increasing their online sales.

The Problem

When we took over Slim By Nature's Facebook Ads account, the campaigns lacked structure, audiences were grouped together, and key features like remarketing were missing. Additionally, the creative was stale, with little variation from month to month.

The Solution

We started by simplifying the account structure.

  • Top-of-funnel campaign to drive traffic.

  • Middle-of-funnel campaign to focus on people who had interacted with the ads and website but hadn't made a purchase.

  • Bottom-of-funnel campaign for people who had added products to their cart but hadn't completed a purchase.

  • Reactivation campaign for people who had previously purchased.

We also tailored the ad content to each stage of the funnel. At the top-of-funnel, we introduced the brand and the best-selling products, in the middle we talked about the benefits of the products and provided testimonials, and at the bottom, we offered a 10% discount to encourage purchases. For the reactivation campaign, we showcased new products to customers who had already made a purchase.

The Results

In the 10 months since we took over Slim By Nature's Facebook Ads account, the following results were achieved (compared to the previous 10 months):

  • 38.23% increase in purchases, a total of 736 more purchases

  • 47.89% increase in revenue equating to an additional $161,093.45.

  • 34.52% decrease in cost per purchase, a $13.36 reduction

  • 9.49% decrease in budget, a total of $7,076.28 less spent

  • Conversion rate increased from 5.76% to 10.32%

The Next Steps

Our success with Slim By Nature's Facebook Ads has shown the power of effective campaign management. Moving forward, we will work on improving the customer journey by introducing new ad platforms to acquire customers from more sources. We will explore CRO on the website to increase conversion rates and enhance the overall user experience


Digital Transformation


Lead Generation